The photo ID you requested is: 4246

Description: 1st Grade class (8 x 10 neg)

Photo taken Oct 2, 1939 (8 x 10 neg)

The picture is from location LAFAYETTE in category PEOPLE, subcategory SCHOOLS.

NOTE: If you wish to order a copy of this picture from the History Center, please include all of the underlined information including the photo ID shown above in the description. This will make it easier for us to find your picture and get the copy to you that much quicker.

Requests for photos should be sent via email to Once we confirm availability of the photos, you will receive a return email from us with an invoice showing the charge for your order. You may pay via check, Paypal or credit card. All credit card payments must be processed either by return mail with your credit card information written on a copy of your invoice or via telephone by calling the History Center at 925-229-1042. For security purposes, we are unable to accept credit card numbers either via email or fax.

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